10-Meter Band (Amateur Radio)
The 10-meter band spans 28.000 MHz to 29.700 MHz and is segmented for different modes:
Frequency Range (MHz) | Usage |
28.000 – 28.070 | CW (Morse Code) |
28.070 – 28.150 | Digital Modes (FT8, RTTY) |
28.150 – 28.300 | Beacons |
28.300 – 28.500 | SSB (Phone, USB) |
28.500 – 29.000 | SSB, AM (limited) |
29.000 – 29.200 | AM |
29.200 – 29.300 | Satellite Operations |
29.300 – 29.510 | FM |
29.520 – 29.700 | FM Repeaters |
General Q-Codes
- QRL: Are you busy? / I am busy.
- QRM: Is my signal being interfered with? / Your signal is being interfered with.
- QRN: Are you troubled by static? / I am troubled by static.
- QRO: Shall I increase power? / Increase power.
- QRP: Shall I decrease power? / Decrease power.
- QRQ: Shall I send faster? / Send faster.
- QRS: Shall I send slower? / Send slower.
- QRT: Shall I stop sending? / Stop sending.
- QRU: Do you have anything for me? / I have nothing for you.
- QRV: Are you ready? / I am ready.
- QRX: When will you call me again? / I will call you again at ___.
- QRZ: Who is calling me? / You are being called by ___.
Location and Signal Reports
- QTH: What is your location? / My location is ___.
- QTR: What is the time? / The time is ___.
- QSB: Are my signals fading? / Your signals are fading.
- QSL: Can you acknowledge receipt? / I acknowledge receipt.
- QSO: Can you communicate with __? / I can communicate with __.
Contesting and Operating
- QSY: Shall I change frequency? / Change frequency to ___.
- QRM: Are you being interfered with? / You are being interfered with.
- QRP: Operate with low power.
- QRS: Send more slowly.
11-Meter Band (Citizens Band – CB Radio)
CB operates on 40 channels, each spaced 10 kHz apart. Frequencies are in AM unless otherwise specified.
Channel | Frequency (MHz) |
1 | 26.965 |
2 | 26.975 |
3 | 26.985 |
4 | 27.005 |
5 | 27.015 |
6 | 27.025 |
7 | 27.035 |
8 | 27.055 |
9 | 27.065 (Emergency) |
10 | 27.075 |
11 | 27.085 |
12 | 27.105 |
13 | 27.115 |
14 | 27.125 |
15 | 27.135 |
16 | 27.155 |
17 | 27.165 |
18 | 27.175 |
19 | 27.185 (Highway) |
20 | 27.205 |
21 | 27.215 |
22 | 27.225 |
23 | 27.255 |
24-40 | 27.265 – 27.405 |